Repairs & Return
While we do eveything we can to make sure your product is operating at the standards you expect for as long as possible, sometimes things do go wrong. And for us to be able to repair and return your item(s) so that the time you are separated from it is kept to the absolute minimum, we will need all the information we can get.
Here you will find an extensive list of our hardware and software manuals including product and user manuals for most of the products we have sold or are currently selling. If there’s something you can’t find just contact us and we’ll be able to assist.
We’ve always believed you should try before you buy and that’s why you’ll find our software available for download usually as a 30 day trial. During your trial period our staff are available to answer any questions or if you require a deeper understanding of our software we can provide an online demonstration.
While we prefer to speak with you directly with any issue you are encountering, we understand that sometimes it’s just easier to find the answer yourself and anyway we don’t work 24/7 but our web site does. But if you can’t find the answer here just contact our support department during normal business hours.
Technical Notes
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