Unlocking the Benefits of Stocktake

Reducing stocktake overhead by more than 80%


Complete Lock and Security Services Pty Limited better known as CLASS Locksmiths, started operations in 1986 serving Canberra and surrounds. The company provides locksmith services and key systems to federal, state, and local government departments and agencies, large corporations, and commercial and residential customers. Ongoing research and development, formalised staff development reviews and plans, and apprenticeships ensure CLASS are continually enhancing their capability, staying abreast of technology, constantly upgrading their skills and training the next generation of locksmiths. As the business has expanded, so has the amount of inventory. The old way of manually conducting a stocktake needed to be automated.


  • Automate the Stocktake Process and minimise errors


  • All stock is labelled (with a barcode and item details) for easy identification
  • Time efficient and flexible system that has allowed us to move to rolling stocktakes instead of an end of year “all-at-once” stocktake.


  • Implement zapMYstock for MYOB™ to automate the existing process

Hardware and Software

  • zapMYstock for MYOB™
  • Label+
  • MYOB Account Right
  • Rugged Barcode Terminal


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